terms of use


The website bet2invest.com is published by BET2INVEST (hereinafter "the COMPANY"), a simplified joint stock company with share capital of €36,170.00, having its registered office at 99 A Boulevard Constantin Descat in Tourcoing (59200), registered in the Lille Métropole Trade and Companies Register under number 952 430 361, represented by its Chairman Mr Olivier Degryck.

Phone number : []

Email address: [contact@bet2invest.com]

VAT NO.: FR22952430361

Responsible for publication: Mr Olivier DEGRYCK, Chairman of BET2INVEST.

SITE HOSTING: Amazon Web Services EMEA SARL (AWS Europe), 5 rue Plaetis, Luxembourg-Ville, Luxembourg, https://aws.amazon.com, reachable via this form.


"GCU" refers to the present General Terms and Conditions of Use of the COMPANY's SITE.

"INTERNET USER" refers to any Internet user, whether or not a customer of the COMPANY, accessing the SITE. 

"SITE" refers to the Internet site accessible at the following address: www.bet2invest.com/


The COMPANY publishes the SITE which relates to its activity, and in particular to its activity as a platform for bringing together bettors and sports betting forecasters. The purpose of these General Terms of Use is to govern access to and use of the SITE.

These Terms and Conditions of Use may be modified in accordance with the commercial environment in which the SITE operates, and in accordance with current regulations.

Any modification of the General Terms and Conditions of Use will be published on the SITE with an indication of the date of the update.


BET2INVEST, the company responsible for data processing, uses personal data for the purpose of presenting its commercial offer and responding to requests from prospective INTERNAUTES. 

In this context, BET2INVEST may collect: your personal email address, cookies, your last name, your first name, the content of your solicitation messages, your IP address. 

This data is required by BET2INVEST, and is mandatory and indispensable in order to respond to requests from prospective Internet users. Otherwise, no response will be given.

The data collected is kept for the duration of the commercial relationship with BET2INVEST or, failing that, for a period of 3 years from the last contact with BET2INVEST unless otherwise required by law. The data collected is intended for use by BET2INVEST and its authorized service providers solely for the above-mentioned purposes. The data is hosted by AWS, a highly qualified provider of personal data protection services. 

In accordance with the provisions of Law no. 78-17 "Informatique et Libertés" of January 6, 1978, amended by Law no. 2018-493 of June 20, 2018, and Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016, you have the right to access your personal data, a right to rectification or deletion thereof, a right to limit the processing of your personal data, the right to portability of your data but also the right to object to processing due to a particular situation and a right to object to commercial prospecting. Finally, you have the right to define directives concerning the fate of your personal data after your death and to lodge a complaint with the CNIL supervisory authority at the following address: 3 Place de Fontenoy - TSA 80715 - 75334 PARIS CEDEX 07. To exercise these rights, please contact the data controller by sending a request together with a copy of your identity card to the following e-mail address: [rgpd@bet2invest.com].

☐ I hereby authorize BET2INVEST to process my personal data in accordance with this privacy policy.

☐ I agree to receive commercial offers by email from BET2INVEST


The COMPANY shall under no circumstances be held liable to the INTERNET USER or any third party for any damage, direct or indirect, that may arise in connection with the use of the SITE, and in particular for SITE unavailability, download delays, non-transmission of data, SITE inaccessibility, intrusions, data piracy, software and files contaminated by computer viruses.

The INTERNET USER acknowledges that he/she is aware of the nature of the Internet network, and in particular its technical performance, response times for consulting, querying or transferring information data, and the vulnerability resulting from Internet access. The INTERNET USER remains solely responsible for all operations carried out via the SITE, which he/she does at his/her own risk.

Consequently, the INTERNET USER shall take all necessary measures to ensure that his or her means of connection enable him or her to use the SITE effectively and efficiently. In this respect, the INTERNET USER shall immediately inform the COMPANY of any malfunctions and/or failures encountered on the SITE, and undertakes not to disrupt the proper operation of the SITE.


The content of the SITE is an intellectual work within the meaning of article L. 112-2 of the French Intellectual Property Code. The COMPANY is the exclusive owner of the industrial property rights and copyrights relating to the contents of the SITE. In the absence of any indication to the contrary, it is to be considered as the owner of the rights to the logos, icons, images, photographs, videos, texts, graphics, software, sounds, plans, trademarks, various creations and protectable works, databases, etc., as well as the owner of the rights to the contents of the SITE. 

In this respect, any representation, reproduction or adaptation of all or part of this SITE by any means whatsoever and without the consent of the COMPANY shall constitute an infringement of the COMPANY's rights and is strictly prohibited.


The COMPANY's SITE may propose or be the subject of hypertext links. The SITE may include advertisements from third-party service providers and links to other websites. These links are provided for information purposes only. The COMPANY does not carry out any prior checks on these sites and declines all responsibility for any damage that may result from consulting the information on these sites. Activation of these links is the sole responsibility of the WEB USER. 

No hypertext link may be created to the SITE without the express prior consent of the COMPANY. If an INTERNET USER wishes to create a hypertext link to the SITE from his or her site, regardless of the medium, he or she must first contact the COMPANY by sending an e-mail to the following address: [contact@bet2invest.com]


These GCU are drafted in French and governed by French law, regardless of the INTERNET USER's country of residence, except in the case of mandatory provisions to the contrary such as those arising from Regulation 593/2008 of 17/06/2008 known as Rome I.

In the event of a dispute, the INTERNET USER may have recourse to a conventional mediation procedure or any other alternative dispute resolution method. Failing amicable agreement, the French courts will have sole jurisdiction.

In the event of a dispute, the INTERNET USER must first contact BET2INVEST in order to find an amicable solution, by means of a written complaint by e-mail to the address: [contact@bet2invest.com].

The INTERNET USER is hereby informed that he/she may in any case have recourse to conventional mediation in accordance with the provisions of articles L 611-1 et seq. of the French Consumer Code.

Contact details for the Mediation officer: AME CONSO Website: https://www.mediationconso-ame.com/ Address: 11 Place Dauphine, 75001 Paris.

In accordance with the rules applicable to mediation, any consumer dispute must be the subject of a complaint in writing to BET2INVEST's Customer Service before any request for mediation, either by e-mail to [contact@bet2invest.com], or by post to BET2INVEST's registered office address as stated at the head of these terms and conditions. 

The dispute may only be examined by the Consumer Mediator if the INTERNET USER can prove that he/she has first attempted to resolve his/her dispute directly with BET2INVEST by means of a written complaint, and that the INTERNET USER has submitted his/her request to the Mediator within less than 1 year from the date of his/her written complaint to BET2INVEST. The request must be neither manifestly unfounded nor abusive. 

Furthermore, in accordance with Article 14 of Regulation (EU) No. 524/2013, the INTERNET USER is informed that the European Commission has set up an Online Dispute Resolution platform, facilitating the independent out-of-court settlement of online disputes between consumers and professionals in the European Union. This platform can be accessed at the following link: https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/main/index.cfm?event=main.home2.show&lng=FR.

Complaints or disputes will always be received sympathetically, as anyone who takes the trouble to explain their situation is presumed to be acting in good faith. 

In the absence of an amicable solution, and whatever the origin of the dispute, it will fall within the jurisdiction of the competent French courts. 

Thursday, June 22, 2023